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男 文章總數 : 897
年齡 : 54
信仰 : buddha
功德值 : 60257
威權值 : 5
注冊日期 : 2008-05-02

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發表主題: 轉貼中英對照的地藏菩薩靈感記   轉貼中英對照的地藏菩薩靈感記 Empty2010-07-07, 06:42


引言回復 :

.∵∴☆ *★∵★ * ☆  ☆* ★∵★ * ☆∵∴.

.∵∴☆ * 瞻視頂禮無上導師 - Kshitigarbha * ☆∵∴.
To my holy teacher, I bow my high regard!

The following parAgraphs are quoted from "THE KISHITIGARBHA BODHISATTVA SUTRA"
卐 地藏菩薩本願經 - 分身集會品第二:
" 汝當憶念吾在任利天宮慇勤付囑, 令娑婆世界至彌勒出世已來眾生悉使解脫, 永離諸苦, 遇佛受記."

".......As for those who have not improved, if they fall into evil or suffer from past karma retribution,
you should remember what I gently taught and repeated to you in Trayastrimsa Heaven Palace -
that is, to release all those beings in the Saha World, until the coming of Maitreya,
from suffering forever; and to encounter Buddhas and receive the Dharma. "
卐 地藏菩薩本願經 - 閻浮眾生業感品第四:
"......地藏菩薩白佛言: ......我今又蒙佛付囑, 至阿逸多成佛已來, 六道眾生遣令度脫. 唯然! 世尊! 願不有慮."

"......Now I am again bidden by Buddha to relieve those beings in the six levels. Yes, World-Honored One,
please do not be concerned."
卐占察善惡業報經卷上 - 佛告堅淨信:
"......彼從十一劫來莊嚴此世界, 成熟眾生. 是故在斯會中, 身相威德殊勝, 唯除如來無能過者....."
緣起 - The Condition of Beginning
1992, 我在美國伊利諾州American Illinois State的南方大學城Carbondale, 州立大學SIUC求學的第二學期.
Jerry, 一位眉清目秀, 學佛至誠的年輕人, (我男友的友人, 同住於學校宿舍),
來親近我, 遊說我認識佛法跟介紹認識一位唯一同校的出家比丘尼- 炫慧師(東方哲學系就讀).
從來就一直學習現代科技的我, 雖說對無可言喻的神秘境界常有著探究期盼之意,
也接觸不少如此神奇人物, 但當時我還是沒靈感的平凡人.
帶著批判的心態, 前去拜訪這位正統佛學院出身的師傅, 也是我後來的皈依師.
這是我初次接近佛教的因緣, 善知識是非常重要的, 也是我宿世所種的善根源.
In 1992 Illinois State, SIUC, , that was the 2nd semester of univeristy .
Jerry, a young decent faithful buddhist, a friend from my boyfriend, came close to me.
He was tried to persuade me to get to know Buddhism,
and a Buddhist nun, who studied eastern phyilosohpy at our Uni..
Thus far I've been tought to know and learn modern technology,
even though I have always a lively fancy about mistery cases,
and even get in touch with some sort of people with special abilities.
Nevertheless, I'm just an ordinary person.
With a critical mind, I went to visit this nun, and eventually she became my proclaiming instructor.
This is how everything began.
It's so important to have benevolent friends to guide you the right ways to the apporiate living.
經過這沈默的18年, 我要把現在超頂的科技邏輯也無法解釋的真實故事與我各國友人分享!
從2000年到現在, 這十年間, 歷經人生多次的生離死別, 看盡人間無情冷漠面.
我已重病癱瘓三次, 2008~2009年是我最嚴重的一次,
以往總是憂慮, 說這些經歷, 只是引人側目以對! 難以令大眾相信!
但我承受太多奇蹟恩澤, 也是時機到了~ 我只想跟大家, 道訴分享我本人不可思議的體驗!
以人類語言, 稱呼的佛或菩薩, 對我而言, 是宇宙間最完美的純淨能源!!
在娑婆世界- 地球上, 就是我們這些迷途的六道眾生類!
Sincerely I want to share my incrediable ture stories with my friends and readers in the world
after I silented for the past 18 years.
From year 2000 'till present, within 10 years I've serious sick and paralyzed 3 times.
2008~2009 is the worst time I've ever experienced before.
Being thru so numerous live and death, I think it's about time to tell the fabulous experiences.
For I've been taking too much mercy from Budhisattva Kshitigardha.
Buddha or Budhisattva, named by Human kind.
To me, they are simply the purest and brightest power in the whole universal!
They purifying those numerous outrageously twisted dark energy in the endless univasal.
For instance, all the living creatures of our world - earth!
以下, 我只述說地藏菩薩以祂不可思議的慈悲力付加於我的親族事蹟
Stories below, I'm simply describe Kshitigarbha's power over my relatives.
1. 第一次接觸 - The Very first Contact
幫炫慧師畫宣傳海報, 當時還未成立佛學社, 但私下在宿舍或私人住宅舉行一些小型佛學講座.
有人打電話給炫慧師, 不相信這是手繪圖, 因為我寫的中文楷書簡直是印刷品!
使得她花了長久時間去說服美國人, 而他們非得認識我~
她問我, 可知海報上我所繪的菩薩像是誰呢?
我根本沒概念! 當時向她借了幾本佛學雜誌, 以便我描繪佛像之用. 以前也沒真正接觸佛教過.
她說, 這是"地藏菩薩"!
好奇之下, 請暑假回臺灣的朋友- 李肇慧 - 幫我請本"地藏菩薩本願經", 就讓我好好地去認識這位首次繪製的菩薩吧!
It was not yet offically established Buddhist student society in the University.
Pviately in the students' Dormateries or houses where we hold Buddhist lectures and meetings.
Valenteerly I draw posters for meetings sometime.
Some American students call Shuan-hai-shi(Buddhist nun) for my hand-make poster,
for it barely regconized to be that.
She tried to explan to them several times, they didn't believed it, they wanted to know me.
She asked me: do you know the the Mahasattva you drawn.
I have no idea who he is exactly? I had never close to Buddhism before.
She said: His name is "Bodhisattva Kishitigarbha, Mahasattva" !
I ask a friend, Li-Zau-Hai, while she back to Taipei for summer vocation,
bring me the Sutra which named under this spectacular Budhisattva.
2. 淚雨如瀑 - Crying like Crazy
那沒看到第三章, 我已淚流雨下, 號泣地不能自己!....就這樣過了一兩個小時....
激動不已, 哭到我全身癱瘓, 疲憊到只能躺臥在床上, 又過一兩個小時才恢復神智!
各位, 不要驚訝! 我沒半句假話, 而我震驚的程度, 更是讓自己啞然!
這輩子至今, 我從未聽過, 宇宙間, 從久遠劫前,無佛時, 就有如此偉大仁慈, 完全犧牲奉獻的人物, 來救渡娑婆世界眾生.
受到無比的震撼之後, 幾次重拾經書, 想完整閱讀, 居然都無法做到!
因為我只要看到第一, 二章節, 就開始淚流滿面, 大聲號泣, 淚珠有如瀑布一般流洩.....就這樣哭到我又癱瘓了大半天....
想像我到隔天, 帶暴腫的眼睛去上課, 甚麼情形...??? 同學瞎猜著.......
這狀態, 僵持了約半年, 才得以緩化. 我想破頭也是無法理解, 這是為什麼?
直到1996, 我遇到北投大覺寺師傅- 正覺師, 他跟我釋疑.
我會如此不同一般人的強烈感受, 乃是因為"地藏菩薩"過去世曾是我導師之故.
After 1 1/2 years, spring or summer of 1993, I was the chief of Buddhist student society at that time.
Since long time after, suddently I get a flash thru my mind, then pick up this long forgoten Sutra.
I cried like crazy after read 3 chapters of text..... totally couldn't control myself.....
It was so touched to my deep deep heart, I was keeping on crying for hours untill completely exhausted...
Everyone, don't be surprised my condition! This's not a lie! I was shocked by it as well!
I've never heard such great person who completely devoted himself for all living beings
forever.....past, present and future!
After the shock, I just couldn't finish read the Sutra for I cry so hard and paralyze.....
What the Hell is that? My classmate had doubts everytime I'd such big swelling eyes to class.....
This situation persisted about half year!
I'd really no concept what is it all about? why it happens to me?
Finally I had my answer in 2006,
Zheng-jue Shi (a Buddist master) told me: once Kshitigarbha was my teacher!
3. 救渡我內祖母 - To Resucure My Grandma
2001, 旗山阿嬤過世, 家人六神無主.
(我家庭背景些許複雜此處不多做讒述), 長輩们, 父親也不作主, 母親慌了, 要我想辦法.
沒關係, 我安慰家人, 大家安定其心, 我出錢出力, 由我出面全程全權處理她的喪事.
為了報答阿嬤養育之恩, 懷著誠至無比的心情, 向"地藏菩薩"祈求, 供獻自己的力量, 只願我處理事務順暢!
我只是長孫女, 阿嬤身邊的親戚置她淡薄如水.
帶著二弟跟四弟, 沒經驗的我, 從選擇儀葬社, 比價, 禮俗忌諱, 儀典安排, 出葬日期選擇,
流程規劃, 棺木, 靈骨塔, 帖子分發, 親友通知, 樂團選定, 素齋 , 不同人手的工作分配安置...
兩三天內, 我全部搞定, 之後又迅速回北部, 因為公司裡還要一堆工作.
果真事事流暢, 親屬長輩對我言聽計從, 喪禮過程簡單隆重. 一切進行如意順利!
My grandma lived in Chyishan, a small town located in the south of Kaohsiung.
She died in the year of 2001,
It might hard to belived that there's no one in my family could take the responsibility
in order to take care her funeral.
My mother wants me do something for it.
I soothe families distured feeling and promise handle all the issues.
I regard this's my obligation to my grandmother.
With completely sincerity, I prey to "Bodhisattva Kishitigarbha, Mahasattva" !
I contribute myself fully only for accomplished this case successfully.
Obviously, most of my grandma's relatives treat her with distance.
Actually, that was my first time to deal with funeral! My 2 younger bothers follow me,
see how I handling all the way thru.
Certainy first of all I ask an expert for all necessary things for funeral process,
then I could be enable to arrange details.
It took only 2-3 days to organize.
It's simply just like any other business managment for me, easy though~
Soon I fought back to Taipei for I have a lot works to do.
Everything is prepared, let's see.....
As my wish, all the elders follow and agree the orders I give.
The traditional ceremony is simple and move very smoothly.
There were more expected attenting guests.
我知, 阿嬤生前殺生, 惡語甚多! 40, 50年代戰後生活窮困, 臺灣大多數人民過著勤儉又遵循民俗迷信的生態.
譬如, 道教的中元普渡, 和一般的祖先, 神明祭祀都得宰殺大量牲畜, 從小我就勸祖母不要奉祀這些無辜生命!
她說: 這是傳統, 每人都這麼做阿! 小孩子, 妳就別亂講話!
她身體停放家中客廳第一日, 室外即有成千上萬的螞蟻聚集往廳堂內她的身體前去攻擊!
親友趕忙在她床鋪下灑水, 還製成一環水帶阻止螞蟻前進. 天天隨時都要人盯梢!
唉~ 造惡者必墮惡趣! 縱使父子至親, 歧路各別, 不能代受!
我深深清楚, 唯有依靠勝者的力量去減輕阿嬤的罪過! 發願誦讀48遍"地藏菩薩本願經", 迴向給 阿嬤.
因為白天事勿繁多, 晚上累的有時我誦經讀到直接趴著桌子睡著了.....
阿嬤死後幾年出現我夢中, 後啟先顯露如惡鬼相!
我後陸續誦經, 點燈迴向給她, 每次或以不同形象出現(越來越好), 告知我她的現況.
即始到現在, 有時我也會再讀大乘經書迴向給她, 希望她早日到達智慧彼岸!
我常憶念許多佛陀的經典教誨, 如下:
金剛經言: 一切有為法, 如夢幻泡影, 如露亦如電, 應做如是觀!
During 40's, 50's life is difficult after 2nd World War.
Grandma had following the old and non-sense tradition customs.
She'd killed some livestock for certain temple ceremonies, animals must be sacrified.
Since I was a child, I'd asked her : why doing this? You'd better stop doing it...and so on.
She could only reply: You're just a kind! this's an old custom everyone should obey.
Anohter fact is she scold too much.
There're thousand of ants from outdoor came to attack her body as the first day she lay at home.
Everyone surprise this incrediable scene ,
and try to make a water ring around the bed to avoid ants get close to her.
It must have someone to keep eye on it everyday.
I know exactly this's a bad Karma!
It's crystal clear for me, nobody can rescure her except the power of Saint.
I prey again to Kishitigarbha, Mahasattva,
I'd like to chant 48 times Sutra for the benefit of my grandma.
Rely on your divine power, please release her sin!
Grandma shows her scary face to me in my dream at the first time,
but After then the situation is getting better and better.
Even now I've never stop chanting to bless all living being.
4. 加持我爺爺- To Secure My Grandpa
高齡91歲, 患嚴重失憶症, 但大體而言卻健康的爺爺, 在奶奶去世的隔年2002也跟這世間告別.
母親通知我, 阿公的死訊乃是約一星期後的事了! 那代表他屍體停放高雄市軍醫院停屍間已7天, 無人掛問!
我驚訝不已! 掛完電話, 通知我老公Chris, 馬上請假飛快去高雄醫院停屍間看阿公!
同時我又滿心祈禱慈悲的地藏菩薩護持我, 發願誦讀12遍"地藏菩薩本願經", 迴向給阿公.
如同往常, 我一心奉獻力量, 出錢出力, 只求完善處理這件事!
我趕急到醫院詢問處, 護士一聽到我是黃##的孫女,
馬上說: "她天天通知黃先生兒子跟家人領屍, 就是沒人來認人, 也沒付錢!! 一看就知道, 妳家真有大問題!!"
我趕緊向她至歉, 讓她麻煩又操心, 我急忙給付所有醫院的欠款跟探詢應該處理的手續.
在醫院中東跑西鑽的, 到了傍晚, 終於有空了!
在醫院後門, 我問著一位先生: 停屍太平間往哪走呢?
離醫院本建築還有一段路, 出門往右轉直走, 就到底會在前方出面另棟建築, 就是那了!
走者走著, 天也黑了, 整條巷子就我獨自一人, 怎麼還沒看到太平間呢??
呦~ 到了, 但入口前院大門已上鎖, 我不得其入!
嘆了一口氣, 我站在四周無人寂靜的太平間前空地, 抬頭沈望著沒有星光月亮的天空.....
忽然, 無聲無息地出現一位男士, 他身穿深色中山裝頸項帶有一大串佛珠,
他馬上跟我說: 現在過了訪客時間, 天色已晚, 明早再來吧! 明天八點.........
我聽了他的忠告, 馬上要離開這空曠無人之地. 瞬間, 他也又靜蹺蹺地....不見了!
我頓然發覺, 是"地藏菩薩"現居士相來指導我來著~ 心裡感到十分溫馨!
隔天清晨我看了阿公的遺容, 他面帶微笑~
我直接跟附設於太平間的儀葬社洽談, 緊急辦理所有儀葬儀式跟程序.
我決定直接在此地所有儀式, 我獨斷獨決所有必要儀典跟準備事務, 其他人照辦即可.
請人聯絡所有阿公的直系血親, 父親跟那些叔伯孫姪们!
要來觀禮或不來, 隨你們方便, 由於家族內兄弟間的人情糾葛, 談不上交流, 有如陌生人.
從小至今, 我只見過這些叔伯一兩次而已!
我要召開家庭集會, 就在此太平間的大會議室中.
下午, 除了大伯(已過逝), 所有阿公的兒子们跟媳婦都出席.
我迅速簡潔地向他们解說, 必要的儀典進行程序跟日期, 跟他們必需注意和遵循的事項.
所有花費我出, 但身為兒子的你们必需為父親做一件事!
~靈骨塔, 骨灰的安置所~
大家無話可說, 一至同意! 完美地結束會議!
喪葬日, 依照我安排的的流程, 直到火葬場, 再加上葬儀社專業人士幫忙, 一切又如意進行!
我心中無限感激"地藏菩薩", 長年來總是毫無代價給與我安慰支持, 我有求, 祂必應!
阿公在世, 常不時捐款造廟, 造橋, 做些善事, 縱然也做了不少糊塗事造成家庭糾紛內亂.
但要清楚, 萬般帶不去, 只有業隨身!
My grandpa was 91, he had serious Senile dementia, didn't even know who am I anymore!
My grandpa, he died the next year 2002 my grandma death.
This event hurts me really bad!
Nobody informs me untill a week after his death!
I was so astonished no one takes care this business either!
My mother ask me for help~
I call days off right away and tell my husband that I'll leave for couple of days for it...
At the same time, like usual~
I prey, Kishitigarbha, Mahasattva gives me straight for all the benefit of my grandpa.
Grandpa's body lies in Kaohsiung Zuo-Ing Military Hospital since he was very sick for weeks...
I rushed into hospital information desk,
the nurse recognized grandpa's name immediately when I ask for his information.
That's so embarrassed!
She was sort of anger, said to me: "It's obviously your family has big problems,
for a week I've trying to call your father and others....but nobody comes to look after your grandpa.....
and pay no money.....what's going on exactly......!!!"
I apologized to her for all the trouble caused by my families.......uhh.....
Right after I'd hurried to pay off all the costs and finished all the necessary documental procedure.
It's dusk when I'd finished the job, I asked a man in front of rear exit of the hospital.
How to get to mortuary? He tells me the way to go.
Somehow it's a bit far from here, no hesitate, I go for it.
It's getting really dark, I walk alone in the alley, finally I see the building, but front gate is closed!
I stare into the sky and sign.....what should I do by now?.... I want to see grandpa right now....
One man, he exists so quietly and naturally,
he gives me advise that I'd better go home, come here again tomorrow morning around 8:00am....etc.
I take his suggestion and leave for a good rest tonight.
Without noticed, he disappears suddently!
.... in a second I realise.....he is Kishitigarbha, Mahasattva !
My godness! He is exactly the same man who shows me the way to mortuary!
I feel so encouraged he shows up to give me comfort!
The next morning, after I saw grandpa face(with smile).
I negociate with the funnel company in the hospial mortuary.
I decide to hold ceremony right here and immediately organized all the necessary funeral process and preparation.
I take care all of issue like before, and I want to hold a family conference meeting right here.
Thus far I've seen my so-call uncles only 2 times in my memory, we're nearly strangers indeed.
I let people contact them for the reason of appriate tranditional customs.
I don't concern much they attend the ceremony or not, they don't even care how my grandpa die at all......!
The most important families have being informed to come joint with me for the meeting,
except the oldest uncle, he'd dead.
All of my grandpa's sons and daughters-in-law do attend the meeting.
I report to them briefly the central points, important procedure during ceremony,
what should they follow....and so on.
I arrange and contribute for the ceremony and take care finance issue, almost everything!
But you all, sons of my grandpa, look after only one thing!
Find out an right place to locate cremains!
All of them agree whatever I propose and submit. I wonder what else they suppose to say~
The day of funnel was soomthly proceded till the end.
I'm satified everything followed whatsoever I arrange, and of course with proper help from funeral company.
Deep in my heart, sincerely thank Kishitigarbha, Mahasattva.
For such long terms, without reward, he repplys whatever I ask !
Grandpa, while he alive, had done some charity benefit the society.
But we get to know, there's nothing we can carry away when we die, There's only "Karma" left with us forever.
5. 加持我母親 - To Give Relief to my Mother
我母親整個病變事件, 2003~2008, 那時我已移居德國.
3年內一人獨居, 遠離家庭, 馬不停蹄地工作, 旅遊往返於歐洲, 大陸, 台灣之間!
又是一段令我痛苦非常的時期, 我已在 文章分類-* 錯* Soul Journey Part2-9 做了簡述~
至今同樣的我也會不定時誦讀大乘經典迴向給她, 但誠實而言, "地藏菩薩本願經"的力量無與倫比, 感應特別強烈!
從母親在灰濛的幽冥鬼界的兩間二層樓房居住, 席地而坐, 而且胡亂食用髒物!
變成衣著白淨鮮麗, 與一些熟悉的女友们, 住到寬敞的房子, 在我夢中一一示現!
人天境界是暫時, 是會再墮落的, 貪求短暫的歡樂, 沒有戒定的生活, 必定再次倫陷!
My mother died from liver cancer, this case begins in 2003 to 2007,
I've move to Germany with my husband at that moment.
Nearly 3 years I was totally live alone and travel between Europe, China and Taiwan.
Again, I suffer so much pain during that time.
The whole stories have told in my weblog articles " Entwined- Soul Journey Part 2 - 9".
Till now I've never stop sending my good will to my mother and all living being.
I'm fully respect all the teaching from Buddha and no discriminaion to all Surta at all.
But be honest, " THE KISHITIGARBHA BODHISATTVA SUTRA" is the most effective one.
From the very beginning, my mother shows me she lives in ghost space, sets on the ground and eats dirty food....
to the better condition, now she dress up beautifully and live in nice big house,
even together with some female acquainance.
According to the Buddha's teaching,
it's so easy to fall again, no matter stay in Havens or Human dimentions, if one is only eager for enjoyment.
6. 渡化我過去世親友 - To Reconcile The Past Relatives' Sin當告宿世骨肉, 使作方便, 願道...."

"......if those beings in the future dream of many gods, ghosts or even forms,

and are always grieving, crying, distressed, sighing, terrified or anxious,

they must have relatives from their past lives who have fallen into evil,

and these relatives are unable to save themselves and have no way to ask people

who have fortune and power for help.

You should tell these people to do many convenient things

to help their relatives get far away from the evil level."

(夢一) 旗山鎮阿嬤老家前的城徨廟前廣場, 聚集了許多大小灰黑色的狗, 其中明顯的有一領袖!
有一男子騎著腳踏車, 載我過這個廣場, 這些狗兒圍繞著我们, 對我們不友善地咧嘴示威! 我也有點緊張!
墮落畜牲道, 乃是污梵誣僧之報!
The following examples:
(Dream 1) My home town, Chyishan, the front plaza of Hell God Temple near my grandma's house.
It's dark, there're a lots of dogs gathering over there, they're either grey or black color,
and I can see the leader within them.
One man gives me a ride(he rides a bicycle), all of dogs seem not friendly at all~
I feel the anger from them while we pass thrugh the plaza.....I feel a bit of neverous!
I was thinking what I can do for such a situation.....
They're falling into Animal cycle, the result of dispraise!
(夢二)阿嬤老家天昏地暗, 只剩殘破的瓦礫! 前院, 聚集一行人(約7~8人)如湘西走屍, 成蛇形游行!
此時有位長的像我母親的女子, 出現在角邊房, 家人稱為-五間, 現在是她的裁縫室.
機器設備全老舊! 全是灰暗色調! 人, 景, 房間....
我問她: 過得好嗎? 她回我: 還不錯! 我有點難過~
她有駭意, 這房間後門接後院, 她說後門外有怪東西!
後院, 其時只有約120公分寬的小長巷, 靠舊廁所位置的山壁吹著怪風!
我前去探究竟, 卻無一物! 望著前方, 我只問: 你們需要救援, 就嗺一次風! 馬上反應!
我唸"地藏菩薩本願經"迴向給你們呢? 三次或四次?? 要四次~
我回應: 瞭解, 好的!
(Dream 2) It's at night, my grandma's house is almost ruined.
There're about 7-8 people line up in group and walk like Chinses legend corpse in the front yard.
A woman, her face looks like my mother (surprised), exists in the corner room where now is her tailor space.
I look around quickly and find out all of equipment are old, everything here is covered with grey tone....
I question her: do you feel good to live here?
she replys: I feel all right!....but I feel sad for her.....
With fear, she says to me: there's must be freak right behind the rear door of this room.
The rear door is connected with the back yard, is acturally just 120cm width alley.
While I open the door, I feel the wind blow from the old place of toilet.
There's nothing exist, I look straight forward and ask : is there anything I can do for you?
If so, please respone, blow the wind once means - yes!......very soon I get it!
How many time of " THE KISHITIGARBHA BODHISATTVA SUTRA" I should read for you? 3 times or 4 times??
4 times~ they blow the wind again!
I got it! I promise~
藉由菩薩慈悲殊勝的能量, 受苦的眾生即刻解脫! 他們恐怖的面目也不會出現在夢境中了!
透過我個人體悟, 深切祈望, 所有我有緣的友人或讀者在困頓時有"地藏菩薩"依止,
憶念祂的名號, 使的祂法身銘記在心, 使我們悲心具足! 遠離紛亂恐懼! 智慧泉湧! 如意吉祥!
I persist in Kshitigadha loyally, thru my personal comprehension and experiences.
I'm sincerely prey for everyone, all of you can rely on Kshitigarbha.
Bodhisattva Kishitigarbha has such unspeakable, great divine power to benefit all who worship.
All beings of the worlds have a deep relationship with this Mahasattva.
As long as they hear the Budhisattva's name, see the Bodhisattva's image or listen to a single paragraph,
sentence or even a few words from this sutra, they can enjoy wonderful pleasure,
peace and happiness today, and be reborn with fine features in noble families in the future million lives."
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